Be Creative. Strive to make your listeners feel a certain way when they hear your message. Put something that’s compelling in the subject of your emails. Make sure that your 501c3 advertisements and promotions are in the best locations. And timing is always important.
Be patient as you are marketing your nonprofit’s activities and services. First you must reach your audience many times in order to get their attention. Then, there will likely be some delayed effect between your marketing action and action taking by your audience.
Be Active. Stay on schedule. Send out your emails weekly. Make social media post every day or two. Have workshops and fundraisers quarterly. Come up with a calendar and stick to it.
Be Sensitive. Know what’s going on in your environment. Keep track of happenings in the world and in your community of service. Then incorporate today’s events and happenings into your 501c3 marketing and promotional efforts.
Believe in yourself. Know that your ideas and your cause are good ones. Know that your promotional campaign is a good one. Now, you should confidently share it will everybody who will listen. Spread the excitement. Put available funding behind it.
Promote aggressively. Your goal is not be everywhere, but to be everywhere your potential program participants are. And remember, everyone reacts to a different message. Let your volunteers know the direction to point people toward. And remember, it does not always require spending money to promote aggressively.
Be Generous. Come up with free specialty items – maybe a refrigerator magnet, a free pen, small writing pad, etc. This will grab someone’s attention; often serve as a reminder to them and put them back in the giving role. They’ll associate your 501c3 with that particular item.
Be Focused. Stay focused on your 501c3 organization’s mission and focus activities, fundraisers, etc. around this mission and cause. As a nonprofit, you cannot afford to divide your attention, energy and money on a lot of different things.
Continue to learn. This world and the environment is changing constantly. Your 501c3 organization must keep up. You must continue to learn new ways of marketing and promoting, new tools in the marketplace, new operational procedures, etc. And technology changes at a very fast pace and has an effect on every aspect of your organization.